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♡ Mohammed God bless him ♡ Glimpses of light God bless him ♧♧♧ migrate to Abyssinia ♧♧♧

Mohammed God bless him Glimpses of light God bless him ♧♧♧ migrate to Abyssinia ♧♧♧

 نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪♡ Mohammed God bless him ♡ Glimpses of light God bless him ♧♧♧ migrate to Abyssinia ♧♧♧‬‏

♡♡♡ Mohammed God bless him ♡♡♡

♧♧♧ month on the occasion of his birth God bless him ♧♧♧
⊙⊙⊙ Glimpses of light God bless him .
Part XIV ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆
Migration to Abyssinia ♧♧♧ ♧♧♧
⊙⊙⊙ section Althani⊙⊙⊙

Ezz to the infidels that immigrants find Momna for themselves and their religion , they chose two men Geldan to Pippen , namely: Amr ibn al-Aas , and Abdullah ibn Abi Rabia before salute and sent them gifts Almstpartyh for Njashi and Btargueth , and after that the two men stalk gifts to the Patriarchs , and Zodahm arguments those expelled by the Muslims , and after the Patriarchs agreed to refer the Baqsaihm Negus , Negus attended to , and then forward it Ahudaa Kelmah and they said to him:
O king , that we may Dawa to your country servants of fools , dead religion of their people , and did not enter in your religion , and came a debt that they have invented , we nor you do not know , have we sent to you including the supervision of their people from their fathers and uncles and their families ; for the driven back to them , understand their higher consciousness , and I know including Aaboa them, and Atbohem it.
The Patriarchs : honest , O king , Voslmanm them , Fleurdahm to their people and their country .

But Negus opinion that there must be scrutiny of the case , and hear all parties . Sent to the Muslims , and called on them , They came , and they had unanimously agreed on honesty , whoever it was . Negus said to them : What is this religion that Varguetm the Qomkm , did not enter in a religious nor a religion of this boredom ?
Said Jaafar bin Abi Talib, and he was the speaker for the Muslims : O king, we were a people the people of ignorance ; we worship idols dead and eat , and we come immorality , and cut off the ties of kinship, and blacken the neighborhood, and eat our weak powers , we used to so God sent us a messenger of us , we know the percentage The sincerity and honesty and Afaffh , Vdaana to God for Nouhdh and worship him , and take off what we worship we and our fathers without it of stones and idols , and ordered us to talk honestly , and performance of the Secretariat ,

And kinship, and good neighborliness, and to refrain from incest and bloodshed, and has forbidden us to immorality, and false speech, and eat the wealth of the orphan, and extrusion chaste women, and commanded us to worship God alone, does not involve the thing, and ordered us to prayer, almsgiving and fasting The number of the things Islam Vsedknah, and believed in him , and we have followed what came to us by the religion of God, Fbdna God alone, did not involve the thing, and denied the campus of us, and Ohllna what allowed us, Apart us our people, Fzbona and Vtnona our religion; to Ardona to worship the idols of worship of Almighty God, and that Nsthal what We were Nsthal of all evils, and when he Gahrona and Zlmona and exerted pressure on us, prevented us from our religion, we went out to your country, and of the Achternak except you, and we want in your neighborhood, and we hoped not to have wronged, O king.

Negus said to him: Do you have what it came from God of thing? Jaafar said to him: Yes. Negus said to him, read it over, and recites it breaststroke from: {Khaas} wept and God Negus even Akhaddlt his beard, and cried his bishops until Okhaddloa Massahvhm when they heard what followed them, then told them Negus: That which was brought by Jesus to come out of one niche, set off , and there is no God gave them up against you, do not hardly ever addresses the Amr Ibn al-owner and looked up, and when he came out of the Amr Ibn al-Abdullah ibn Abi Rabia said: God Atinh released tomorrow including cut off by Khaddrahm. Abdullah ibn Abi Rabia, said to him: do not do, they will have their Orhama though they may Khalfona, but Amr insisted on his mind.

When he was tomorrow he Njashi : O King , they say in Jesus the son of Mary, in word great, he sent them Negus asked them for saying in Christ they were sore afraid , but agreed on the honesty , whoever it was , and when he entered it and asked them , he said to him, Jafar : say where that came to us by God bless our Prophet be upon him: is the servant of God and His Messenger and his spirit and his speech delivered to the Virgin Mary.
Negus took the promises of land and then said : God except Jesus the son of Mary, what I said this lute , Vtnachrt Btargueth , he said, though Nkrtm and God .

Then he said to the Muslims : You go tend to my land and Alchiom Him : Alamnon spokesman of the Abyssinia Spkm fined , fined from Spkm , of Spkm fined , what I like to Debra Lee of gold, and I hurt a man of you and around the anus : Mountain spokesman Abyssinia

Then he said to his entourage : Hdaaihama responded they do not need me out , sure of what God took me a bribe when he responded to a royal , he took a bribe , and people obeyed in Votiahm it.
Umm Salamah said that this story is told : Fajrja Mqbouhan payoff from him what they came by , and we have built has a fine house with a good neighbor .

☆☆☆ intensity in the torture and try to eliminate the Messenger of Allah bless him:

And when the polytheists failed to Mkidthm , and failed to recover immigrants infuriated , and they threatened characterized by anger , Vachtdt Dharautem and swooped down on the rest of the Muslims , and lent their hands to the Messenger of Allah bless him and bad , and appeared them the actions indicate that they wanted to eliminate the Messenger of Allah bless him ; to eradicate the roots of sedition that weary , they claim .

As for the Muslims , the rest of them in Mecca were very few , and they were either people with honor and prevent , or sheltering next to one , yet they hide their Islam and away from the eyes of the tyrants as much as possible , but with this caution did not hand over all safety from harm and degradation and injustice .

Pray to God and the Prophet Muhammad , who derives his face clouds Sharif and his family and his family and him
Sealed Nectar sources = / search in the Prophet's biography on its owner the best prayer and peace / Sheikh Safi al -Rahman Mubaarakfoori .

= Chapters in shortcut biography of the Prophet , peace be upon him / chapters in the shortcut biography of the Prophet God bless him / redemption Abu Ismail Bin many , Almighty God's mercy and the mercy of a wide and make it the people of paradise upper Paradise .
